presented for youth community service and leadership
exemplifying the Mission of the Hispanic Committee
The Latino Club from Evening Hall School began as just an idea in the imagination of a group of students at the Hall County Evening High School. In less than a few weeks the students proved the truth of the old saying: Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. In just over one year this group of dedicated young adults has achieved great feats with very limited resources.
The students organized a car wash. They donated part of the proceeds to their school to create a flower garden and gave the remaining money to help the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York. They organized a blood drive in which more than half of the students and school staff participated. Also, despite bitter cold weather they were happy to volunteer with Mayor Myrtle Figueras and others at the Eureka Cemetery to help with
Southside Community Cleanup Day. They also attended the annual conference of the Georgia Campaign for
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (G-CAPP) where they had met Maria Echaveste, the former White House Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff. Ms. Echaveste delivered the closing plenary address at the conference.
In April 2002 the members created a radio public service announcement in Spanish, which aired on WAZX La Que Buena. They created the PSA to build awareness of National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. They also organized a second car wash in May 2002 to raise funds to support the work of the club. The members have helped with numerous other campaigns and projects including chaperoning students from the Summer Scholars program at Gainesville College for a field trip to Six Flags, helping with the Hispanic jury recruit-ment campaign, surveying residents to help determine local community needs and volunteering at the El Puente Community Center.. |